Barker, who is considered one of today\'s best punk drummers, had to switch things around after finding out that he had initially broken his arm during the band\'s video shoot for the song When Your Heart Stops Beating.
Ever since he was four years old, Travis Barker has only known one way to play the drums: hard. But after many years of pounding the kit with reckless abandon, that style of play may have finally caught up with him. Explains the drummer on
\"I was basically playing the same song over and over again for eight to ten hours, just playing normal, hard as fuck, and during the last couple of takes, my right arm started acting up. And it just kept hurting, like, for a week afterwards. It felt like an old skateboarding injury, but, like, incredibly worse. I kept saying, \'It\'s a damn broken bone.\'\"
About the difficulty of playing drums with one arm Travis Barker recently stated on
\"I think it\'s teaching your left hand all the responsibilities that your right used to have and then teaching your left foot all the responsibilities that your left hand used to have because I\'m right handed, you know? So that was a challenge, but it was something that was overcome really quickly because I was pretty much determined to do it. There was no other option. I really, really wanted to go on this tour.\"
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