\"The process was effortless! Tim played drums and bass while I took on most of the guitars, then we would write the lyrics and melodies together with no hesitation and a lot of trust. It was the easiest thing we\'ve ever done. It made us realize that the writing process was always us anyway. Bang, bang!\"
Because of Kretz\'s schedule being so brutal, Spiralarms have agreed to take a Queens Of The Stone Age approach to the drums for now. Spiralarms will use other top notch drummers for the next few months while Eric finishes some of the projects that he\'s committed to. This doesn\'t mean that he won\'t be playing on the record, that\'s exactly what he intends to do. Continues Craig Locicero:
\"We just have to get out there and play live consistently again. Now! We can not, and will not wait any longer, time to bring it to the masses. Chris Kontos — formerly of Machine Head, Verbal Abuse, Attitude Adjustment, and most recently The Servants — will be recording some brand new songs with us next week. That should be killer.\"
Chris also has his own band, Sangre Eterna, but that\'s not a conflict for anybody.
Drummer Eric Kretz has released as statement as well, regarding his current position in Spiralarms. According to Kretz his studio is demanding an overwhelming amount of attention:
\"Starting back in 2005 we\'ve been booked solid with bands like The Exit, Jimmy Eat World, Soil, Death Cab For Cutie, etc. Currently, we\'ve been filming live performances by bands like Jurassic 5, Ben Folds, PJ Harvey and many other great performers for \'The Henry Rollins Show\' on IFC. In the next few months we are expecting The Beastie Boys, Slayer and the Flaming Lips to pop by and lay their tracks down. As you can see, things are going great at the studio. However, the hectic schedule leaves me unable to commute to Oakland to play drums with Spiralarms for the time being.\"
However, Kretz calims to be very enthusiastic about working with the band later this year on the new record.
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