"Sensory Percussion is a modern take on electronic drums that captures the true expressive nature of drumming. While standard trigger systems turn your drum into little more than an on/off button, Sensory Percussion listens and reacts, responding to the essence of your performance in real time."
The patent pending Sensory Percussion understands where and how you hit the drum. It not only lets you map different parts of the drum to any sound desired (from samples and synthesizers to digital audio effects), it also lets you control those sounds in an intuitive, expressive way. Sounds follow your playing in real-time—so rather than twiddle knobs and push buttons, you can control the experience simply by playing the drums.
To put it in other ways: the Sensory Percussion system is an overlay onto acoustic drums.
It costs $595 to get one Sensory Percussion unit. with a pack of two coming in at $869 and a pack of three for $1,115. Prizes go all the way up to $4,000, which will get you a set of four chromed units with a custom engraving of your choice. Shipment of the product will begin in January 2016. More info on the Kickstarter website.
Find out what artists like Kiran Gandhi (MIA), Ian Chang (Son Lux, Brazos), and Nicholas Ley (The Flaming Lips) have to say about Sensory Percussion in the video below:
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