The list is notable for the wide range of musical genres represented — hip-hop, metal, punk, disco and R&B — and the large number of first-time candidates. Only disco and R&B group Chic, punkrockers the Stooges and singer Wanda Jackson, the \"Queen of Rockabilly\", have been previously nominated.
To be eligible for nomination into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, an act must have released its first single or album at least 25 years prior to the year of nomination. This year\'s nominees had to release their first single no later than 1983.
The five winners will be announced in January and inducted into the Hall of Fame 2009 on April 4, in Cleveland.
The ceremony typically has been held in New York but is returning to Cleveland after more than a decade. Tickets will be made available to the public for the first time.
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