\"This is a match made in heaven. Anyone who\'s followed Not So Modern Drummer is well aware of the historical significance of the Ludwig name and the tremendous contributions to drums and drumming made by the Ludwig family in the past century. It\'s an honor to have the Not So Modern Drummer name associated with the legendary Ludwig name.\"
William F. Ludwig III, took a change in career path in 1990 to exercise his other love in life: cooking. After a few years in the live music/nightclub business, followed by five years in corporate catering, Ludwig could not get drums and drumming out of his soul.
When Ludwig heard of Aldridge\'s desire to free himself from the business aspects of producing the magazine, Ludwig met with him and both agreed that this direction would be the best for the future of Not So Modern Drummer.
The content and direction of the magazine will continue in the same direction as in the past, but with a renewed dedication to providing more content and increased frequency of issues.
John Aldridge will continue to edit NSMD magazine, while Ludwig will take over the day to day business management of the company. In addition, William F. Ludwig II will also be contributing to the magazine. The vast amount of knowledge of drums and drumming that the senior Ludwig brings to the magazine will undoubtedly be a welcome addition.
Not So Modern Drummer is a quarterly publication catering to vintage and custom drum collectors and players. Established in 1988, Not So Modern Drummer was the first publication dedicated to the relatively new hobby of collecting drums.
Not So Modern Drummer is currently distributed worldwide in music, and magazine stores through distributors and a growing network of drum shops.
© Drummerszone.com 2002-2025 Drummerszone.com is a Musicpublishers.nl website.
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