"We understand there are risks involved bringing Josh back into the fray. Even with his two-years of sobriety, this is a giant leap of faith on our part. But at the end of the day, we have all grown up, and we have all been through so much, that playing with Josh again is sort of like coming home. It’s comfortable, it’s familiar, it just feels right... it’s hand in glove."
Josh left the band in 2006 due to personal problems he had surrounding substance abuse. He since lent his drumming ability to two other bands, Terrible Things and Fire Deuce. Josh says he has experienced the last five years as "a humbling learning experience and a heart breaking journey into darkness and eventually the light". Comments the drummer:
"I honestly never thought I’d see the day I would be reunited with my bandmates and lifelong friends. I regretted not being a part of Coheed from the day they moved on. Although many things were said in the early part of my first years without the band, I think its clear to those who know me that it was the byproduct of anger and disappointment - with myself. Claudio and Travis’s (and Mic’s) music has always spoke to me in a way that no other music did. I love them both dearly and missed them with all of my heart. After my time in Coheed, I eventually got clean and got real with myself. With the help of my loved ones I got back on my feet and that meant playing music again."
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