\"Last night of UK. Show goes great as all of the previous ones have. We\'ve broken even on expenses with 3 weeks of tour left. This is great. Spirits are high. After the set the bus is loaded we\'re saying goodbye to Hundred Reasons and taking pictures. I\'m walking in between the side of the bus and the club -- tight fit, it\'s dark – and an inconsistency in the sidewalk causes me to lose balance. I can\'t fall completely over, because I fall into the bus. I land on the ground straight down onto my ankle. I hear and feel a distinct crack. \"Are you okay?\". \"No. No, I\'m not\".\"
After visiting a hospital in London Jeff went on his way back to New York with a cast up to his knee. The drummer is expected to be back in action in six-to-eight weeks.
From Autumn To Ashes lead singer Francis Mark took over the drum duties for two shows before the drummer from UK band Flood Of Red, Graham Griffith, completes the tour as a session member beginning with the Paris, France concert scheduled for tonight (January 29, 2008).
Meanwhile Jeff has posted the following \'memo from the Sick Ward\':
\"Now the question is what do I do? I\'m scared. I haven\'t held a \"real\" job in years. And I don\'t count waiting tables (which I haven\'t even done in over a year) as a real job, that\'s like a anthropological circus sideshow of the human psyche… I never counted that as a job, that was a \"social experiment\". I can\'t play drums, I can\'t practice. I can write! But even that is limited to what I have at my disposal in the apartment (I don\'t like writing on guitar and all the keyboards are in the space which I can\'t drag from Brooklyn to Harlem for the obvious reasons.) On top of all that, we live on the 4th floor. I can\'t maneuver these crutches anyway, let alone up and down our treacherous stairs that I have taken near-miss spills down when I\'m Healthy. I will probably spend the next 2 months, obsessively journaling ridiculous thoughts, reading, plotting, sceheming, and becoming bitter.\"
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