\"There were certain boundaries I had to stay within. I\'ve learned so much while I was away from the band, and I wanted to apply some of those concepts. But the other guys didn\'t feel those ideas were really what Slayer is all about. So, in a way, I revisited the approach I used with the band years ago. (...) Their writing and approach is the same. I don\'t think they\'ve changed one single but from back then. But my approach has changed — I\'m thinking about things a bit differently. A guitar riff can have many types of drum beats, and at this stage of my playing, I have a wide variety to choose from. It\'s cool, because I can give the guys different options.\"
For several years Dave Lombardo has had a solo percussion album in the works. Comments the drummer:
\"I don\'t know, one of these days I\'ll get it out. It\'s close to completion. I need to do a bongo overdub, a timbale overdub, and a drumset overdub. The recording is essentially me in my room with a keyboard, drums, and percussion, layering parts. I\'ll do one beat, layer something on top, layer something on top of that, and so on. I\'ve been working on this record in my free time. The problem is, I don\'t have a lot of free time! When I\'m on tour, I really can\'t work on it because I don\'t have everything on hand. I\'ve been doing some editing of the parts, but not any recording. When I\'m home, I\'m occupied with a hundred and one other things.\"
The full interview appears in Modern Drummer\'s September 2006 issue. More information cab be found at www.moderndrummer.com.
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