\"I ask that you as fellow musicians help me continue his legacy. I am almost finished with my first two years of college now and I will be moving to a different area of NJ sometime in the next year. It is my wish to take my father\'s machinery, drums, cymbals, and equipment with me when I move. In order to respect the craftsmanship that he put into creating his fine instruments, I would like to store everything in well-protected and well-padded storage/travel bags. I am talking about the type you go to gigs with to keep everything very safe. If you as a community can assist me with this, I think you would be doing my father a great honor by protecting his instruments for many years to come.\"
As far as the donation of storage bags is concerned, Kayla has well over 100 cymbals in her possession now plus approximately 10 snare drums, a lot of toms and several bass drums. If you think you can help, feel free to contact Kayla by e-mail.
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