"Freddy concluded that he really wanted to play music just for fun in small clubs rather than conquering the world, playing arenas on huge stages with pyro props, etc. Krokus was always known to play large venues worldwide.
When we get together, compose new songs and play them live we always think big — with a vision on an international level. That sets us apart from many other Swiss bands. Our albums are sold worldwide; then and now."
Asked what Krokus will be looking for in their new drummer, bassist/vocalist Chris Von Rohr says:
"With our 3-chord music style three things are of utmost importance: groove, drive and push/thrust forward. Like AC/DC, we are one of the few bands that deliver meticulously this alleged simple but never uninteresting brand of music. We definitely are not looking for a metal drummer. The whole groove has to do with feeling, kick and routine. For sure it has to be a top notch pro drummer that kicks us rock druids badly in our butts. An aggressor in a musical way."
The veterans, who formed in 1974, released their 16th album, 'Hoodoo', in 2010. It featured Freddy on drums, plus a guest appearance by Kenny Aronoff.
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