"I think in 2013 or 2014, everybody had agreed about doing it. But then I think Ginger [Baker] upset Eric [Clapton] (laughs). He said something or did something, so it's not happening. It's always been like that. The first time it was mooted was when we were all "indicted" to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. And that was in '93. And what happened in 2005. That's the way it goes. It's fine. I think we said what we had to say at the time. And it was nice to have that little comeback. For me, that was just about right."
Talk of a Cream reunion is at odds with what Ginger Baker told Rhythm magazine in 2008, when he revealed that it was Clapton who talked him into the band's 2005 reunion:
"I'd refused to do it first of all. It was Eric who phoned me up and convinced me. The reason I didn't want to do it was because of what happened in New York in 1968 when the magic was destroyed. The reason why we broke up in the first place re-emerged on stage at Madison Square.
You'll notice I'm talking about Eric in a nice way, but there was another person in the group. It wasn't just a problem with the volume of the bass guitar, it was the problem of being humiliated in front of 20,000 people.
Jack Bruce has apologised many times since, but he's been doing that to me ever since I first played with him. He gets tearful and says 'I love you man' but the volume thing has damaged my hearing to this day. I just cannot play with other people playing too loud on stage. It's too painful."
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