"I know that dude (Coyne) really, really well and I can say in no uncertain terms that he is absolutely not a racist. He’s a lot like me in that he doesn’t understand the depths of a lot of things. Because we, as a nation, do not understand."
The drummer continues by saying he now realizes he wasn't the perfect soldier in the band he painted himself to be:
"There were lots of things I wasn't the least bit interested in... that I would just simply skate out of and not participate in. I operated under the delusion that it didn't matter (and it ultimately didn't. Those records got made or are getting made whether I'm around or not), but I can see how it might look to the other guys in the band and how it might cast doubts on my ultimate allegiance to said band. If that’s what they were or are thinking, they're correct. (...) I'm ashamed that I'm only now realizing it. I've thought a lot about my time with that band in the month and a half since I was fired and I can't believe I operated under the delusion of, 'everything was great and then all of a sudden Wayne flipped out and fired me because I called a friend of his a spoiled rich wannabe-hipster socialite cunt.'"
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