"Digital delivery is the next step in creating better musicians as well as better music educators. Plus, greater access to music education in developing markets like Russia, India, China, Brazil and others will also help create more musicians. Purple's on-demand platform is fast, high-quality, convenient and ready to support the needs of today's musicians and tomorrow's."
However, digital delivery of educational content is not only for teachers and students. It is also a rapidly growing and profitable trend for retailers. Earlier this year, business consulting experts at Ernst & Young predicted that digital revenue for entertainment and educational media will overtake 'traditional' revenue sources by 2015.
That's why Drum Channel is encouraging music dealers to take advantage of the expanding digital content market by adding content sales to their online stores. Music Retailers can learn more about digital stores and sign-up at www.drumchannel.com/affiliate-signup.
Drum Channel offers lessons by Terry Bozzio, Gregg Bissonnette, Alex Acuña, Neil Peart, Chad Wackerman, Chad Smith, Stephen Perkins and many other of the world's most prominent artists.
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