\"Real-life situations have forced me to resign as a member of Hate Eternal. I can on longer afford the expenses of touring. I have put much thought into this for the last several years and kept coming to this conclusion. I must be able to afford the quality of life that I enjoy, and thus far... touring in extreme bands has not allowed me to do anything other than go into a financial hole. Every tour has put me in finanancial burden.\"
The drummer emphasises he is not complaining as he never expected to \'make it\' playing metal. Yet Roddy feels he cannot continue to pay to do it either:
\"Too expensive. Besides, I value the scene and would rather give my music away than be insulted at the end of the year with a $600.00 royalty check!!! This in no way means I won\'t be recording and releasing extreme music. In fact, you will hear more from me (as I now have the freedom to do what I want when I want.)\"
A replacement drummer has yet to be announced.
Hate Eternal will be teaming up with Arch Enemy, Chimaira, Nevermore and God Forbid for a North American tour beginning in early April.
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