"We’re going to offer mixes without drums, guitar, bass, or keys, so that you can play along. We'll include charts, midi files (for keyboard players) and even videos of Dave playing the tunes (drum version).
And... we're going to capture the entire project in photos and video. You’ll be able follow our progress as the project comes together. When everything is complete (spring of 2013), we'll offer a behind-the-scenes dvd with extended footage, plus tips and tricks on how we wrote, recorded, and mixed this music!"
Dave Weckl / Jay Oliver Pledge Music Pitch
How to get on board
1. Go to Dave and Jay's Pledge Music Page
2. Check out the video at the top, and all the things you can pledge for. Just $15 gets you the new album the minute it is released, and gets all the updates and free extras rolling.
3. You are not charged until the project is totally funded.
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