\"Everyday, thousands upon thousands of innocent animals are put through torture, neglect and death. Not only by their so called “owners” but shelters also can’t afford to take care of all animals that are dropped at their doors and they have no choice but to gas the \"overstock\" of animals. People look at animals like they are objects that don\'t have feelings. They think animals can just be “put on a shelf” and forgotten about. (...) My mission is to educate the world about the true nature and effect of animal abuse and also help these animals find people who really care about them, who can provide foster care and/or permanent homes. Animal abuse is 100% absolute bulls@#t. (...) We are animal’s only voice. Help me spread that voice and really make a difference.\"
You can find more information at www.metal4pets.org.
Dave Kinkade is currently bashing the skins with Monarch, and Insatanity. Previously he played with Divine Empire, Malevolent Creation, and Council Of The Fallen among others.
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