"Moderators are recommended for a wide range of drumming situations. They can be used to 'dry out' a ride cymbal in a live application, reduce the volume and decay of a crash in a lesson or practice session and add focus and definition to a cymbal set in a recording studio. They don't completely deaden the cymbals; they are subtle and musical. In addition, Moderators can quickly and easily be placed under the bell of any cymbal — and removed just as quickly and easily — offering highly effective yet flexible and temporary tone control."
Available in 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100x15 millimeter sizes to allow incremental modification of virtually any cymbal's sound, Cympad Moderators are made from the same advanced foam material, as Cympad Optimizers.
They come in convenient two-packs: a handy assortment Cube (one of each size) and a versatile double Box Set (two of each size).
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