"When we formed the original company we were determined to bring the highest quality sound to discerning musicians everywhere, but we soon found that our supply could not keep up with our demand. All of us are professional drummers so we like to be very hands on with design and development. Now we can create demand and keep up with it. I know that Crescent will be the tone that others are judged by."
Jeff Hamilton adds:
"If you had the experience and knowledge of how cymbals are designed, as passed on personally by Mel Lewis, Shelly Manne, Papa Jo Jones and Philly Joe Jones, would you not want to share that? What are the cymbals supposed to feel like under stick? How important is the contour, hammering, bell and bow? Should they be shaped based on older cymbals from the '40s and '50s, or on newer designs? After several frustrating endeavors with other companies, I chose to protect the integrity of the mentors, heroes and friends before me, by having control over the way my cymbals should be made, and committing to our new company."
Cymbals Only is now distributing Bosphorus Cymbals in the United States. According to Crescent, Bosphorus Cymbals is continuing to promote the names and products of artists who have no contractual relationship with them whatsoever. Crescent states:
"This would include Crescent artists Jeff Hamilton and Stanton Moore, as well as Rikki Rockett, and Ralph Peterson. Each of these artists are affiliated with other cymbal companies and none are receiving royalties from Bosphorus, Turkey. Bosphorus continues these violations is spite of repeated legal warnings."
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