\"Finally the time had come to begin the recording of Anata\'s fourth full-length album. And it was up to me to begin with the drums. Some work had already been done with the drums since I recorded with Trendkill one month earlier in StudioMega. So the drums were in place and most of the microphones. But the StudioMega engineer Christian Silver thought that Anata deserved something extra for this album and bought four new microphones only to be used on the cymbals. So with a microphone for each drum and cymbal it ended up with 18 microphones for the drums to get perfect sound and separation of the drum kit.\"
After two days of sound checking Conny Petterson could start the recording of the first track. His choice was to begin with the heaviest song \'I Would Dream of Blood\'. Then I continued with Anata\'s only instrumental song ever, called \'Children’s Laughter\'. Comments Petterson:
\"After this warm-up, it was time for some real action and I recorded \'Downward Spiral Into Madness\', \'Renunciation\' and \'Complete Demise\'. Well, on and on each track was recorded and a lot of hard work was put into it by both me and the engineer. If you compare this recording to \'Under A Stone With No Inscription\' I can say it was more demanding both physically and mentally. I hit the drums twice as hard, the songs are much faster and there is a lot more details to keep in mind. In some fills and blast beats I thought my arms would break in half, but fortunately they didn\'t.\"
A late 2005 release via Earache Records imprint Wicked World is expected.
Conny Petterson joined Trendkill after the release of their 2003 demo \"From the Beginning\" which featured previous drummer Jonas Schwartz.
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