"This has resulted in our decision to leave this location and move again to a location that will allow us to do what we need to do to serve our students and continue to build on the reputation, of which we are so proud."
Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization, has accepted The Collective for a fiscal sponsorship, which enables them to raise money for their soundproofing and legal expenses.
The Collective School of Music has started a fundraising project called 'The Collective SP and L Initiatives'
You can make contributions online at fracturedatlas.org. If you would like to contribute by check, please make it payable to 'Fractured Atlas' with 'The Collective' in the memo line. Please mail your contribution to The Collective, 123 W. 18th Street, New York, NY 10011
Many people enjoy making a donation as a gift or memorial. This can be very special for the musician in your life, or for someone who has lost a loved one. Please provide the contact information and The Collective will send a letter of acknowledgement. Anthony, on behalf of his school:
"Thank you for your continued support and please rest assured that all of us at The Collective will continue to work hard and keep up the great work we have done for the past thirty-five years."
About The Drummers Collective
Founded in 1977, The Drummers Collective, was created by a small group of professional New York musicians who wanted to share what they knew with serious young students.
Programs of study range from part-time weekly or bi-weekly private lessons, to 10-week to 2-year comprehensive full-time study programs. Teachers include Chris Coleman, Pat Petrillo, Kim Plainfield, Adriano Santos, and Michael Wimberly.
Over the years The Collective has consistently graduated well-rounded, well-trained young musicians from all over the world. Many of these alumni have made names for themselves in the world's music scene. Some of The Collective's notable past students include: Billy Martin, Anton Fig, Shawn Pelton, Zach Danziger, and Wil Calhoun to name a few.
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