"I was fully funded in less than 48 hours and the pledges keep coming in, not to mention my bandcamp page has been selling a lot of
downloads, even though i've given people the option to download for free."
Watch Blake's kickstarter plea below. You'll hear some of the record right away, and at the end he dances to one complete track:
'Time's Up', released as a digital download on September 18, 2012, is an all percussion based record. Explains Blake:
"The idea was to make single length songs (3-4 mins more or less) out of nothing but drum and percussion instruments, hopefully providing "hooks" not normally associated with such music. It's part Bboy percussion throwdown, This Heat homage, Hybrid African, Afro-beat and myself."
The album was recorded in the basement of a 150 year old church in the Catskill Mountains, using a two input Mbox and a Fostex cassette 4-track. The most expensive microphone used was the Audio-Technica Pro 37.
Known today as the drummer of Future by Now a New York-based experimental band that also features Andris Balins, Blake Fleming is a prominent name in progressive, post-punk, math and experimental rock today.
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