\"This is a big surprise for everyone, most of all ourselves. We have put everything that has happened in the past behind us, and we will focus exclusively on what is most important for Illnath — the music. And when it comes to drums, we have always known that Benjamin was best for the band. Welcome back, big daddy!\"
Benjamin Johannesen first joined the group in the beginning of 2001, replacing previous drummer Christian Petersen and stand-in sticksman Tjodalv (Kenneth Åkesson).
Illnath recently entered Borsing Studios to begin recording their third album, entitled \'Three Nights in the Sewers of Sodom\'.
\'Three Nights in the Sewers of Sodom\' is expected to be released via Illnath\'s own label following the band\'s split with Worldchaos Production (which was supposed to put out the band\'s long-completed second full-length offering, \'Second Skin of Harlequin\'.
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