Attitude X Behaviour = ConsequenceIn the video below the former Cher, Simple Minds, Foreigner and Billy Idol-drummer talks about this lifestyle, his gear and his other roles: the musician, the speaker, and... being a dad as a band member with one of the most successful artists planet Earth has known since the birth of Popular Music. And, we got him to play his drums as well!
The Venice Studio Interview Series with Mark SchulmanCool facts:
- Mark is on the cover of the Modern Drummer May 2019 edition.
- Mark's latest tour with P!nk before this interview covered six months in the USA and six months in Australia. On this publication date, he is touring three more months through the USA, then fly across the pond and visit many major cities in Europe for another three months of sold out stadium concerts.
- In the video Mark tells you how P!nk solves the family problem for the artists touring with her.
- Taylor Hawkins plays drums on We Could Have It All, track 10 on 'Hurts 2B Human' that was co-written by Beck.
"...I remember seeing a repeat of The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show with my brother and my folks. I saw Ringo playing the drums and something resonated so deeply with me. Then I saw all the screaming girls, and at that moment, I thought to myself, 'I want THAT!"
- Mark Schulman
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