\"People are calling everyday because they can no longer find it on newsstands. Sales have been so strong, and our readership has supported us so much, that we decided to make the story available for those \'Bonzobeat\' fanactics who can\'t find the issue.\"
As previously announced in Drummerszone.com\'s article \'New John Bonham material in third TRAPS\' announcing the feature on Bonham, the piece was written by Chris Welch, a well-respected, former Melody Maker reporter. Welch covered Bonham during his early days with Zeppelin to his tragic demise. The Bonham story features previously unpublished material that has obviously caught the attention of drummers and Zep enthusiasts. Divided into eight chapters, the Bonzo feature reflects the editorial talent of many writers, and Andy Doerschuk, editor of TRAPS.
Free download
Enter Music Publishing, has made the John Bonham-feature from this issue of TRAPS available for download. It\'s in the Fall 2007 issue which also featured Candido Camero, Idris Muhammad, the History of Franks Drum Shop, a dream kit review and challenging transcriptions.
The 25-page Bonham opus can be downloaded right here from Drummerszone.com. Just click on the titel on the right of this article, and your download will start.
Of course, with very special thanks to Enter Music Publishing!
To order your subscription to TRAPS or any of their collectible back issues click here.
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