"Everything must come to an end! We always had a vision of going out with a big fucking bang and not playing county fairs and clubs with 1 or 2 original band members! Our job here is done!"
The Final Tour will coincide with the film made from Mötley Crüe's book The Dirt. Jeff Tremaine (Bad Grandpa and co-creator of television series Jackass) has signed on to direct the opus that is set to debut in theaters globally in 2015, coinciding with The Final Tour.
As documented in the Cessation Of Touring Agreement the band signed at the press conference today, the band will not tour after this Final Tour. Band attorney, Doug Mark of Mark Music & Media Law, explains:
"Other bands have split up over rancor or the inability of people to get along, but this is mutual among all four original members and a peaceful decision to move on to other endeavors and to confirm it with a binding agreement."
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