"I sincerely regret to inform you that after a final effort to participate in the upcoming Sabbath shows a failure to agree has continued. (...) It is with a very sad heart that I bring you this news. I am sincerely passionate in my desire to play with the band, and I'm very, very sorry that it's fallen to this. (...) In my opinion, nobody wins this time; the band doesn't win; the fans for an original line-up don't win. Nobody wins, nobody."
Bill says he was asked to participate "minimally" in the Download festival in April. He'd been offered no more than three songs to play while another drummer presumably played the rest of the show with Black Sabbath. Continues Bill:
"I was not willing to participate in that offer. I was not prepared to watch another drummer play a Sabbath set, while I was to play only three songs."
Bill also claims the band asked him to perform at Saturday's gig for free, which he refused.
The drummer insists he will still consider rejoining the group at a later date if he receives what he considers a fair contract:
"Even though I'm at an end with the upcoming announced concerts, I will remain with an open mind and a position of willingness to negotiate 'signable' terms with Sabbath's representatives in the future."
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