Sinori's form may look random, but the manufacturer claims that its unique shape has been meticulously moulded with "vibrometric measurements".
The Sinori's top-right part, because of its small size, can be used to obtain high notes with an oscillatory motion of the palm of your hand on the metal.
The Sinori's top-left part, where the handle is inserted, is meant for use as a tuning handle. Bending the sheet at that point is said to make it possible to tune the vibrations produced by the body of the instrument.
The sides of the sheet are designed to allow you to hold it and interact with it in the best way possible. You can grab it using the wooden knob to halt and release the vibrations if Sinori is resting on your body.
Sinori's side handles have been designed to be able to flap the sheet, thus bending to generate the typical sound of steel bending, and releasing it abruptly to generate an explosive hit.
Last but not least, Sinori's bottom surface, the so called "soundbox", is made in order to produce low pitch sounds. The bottom handles are also for the purpose of tuning vibrations from the metal.
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