\"Premier is one of the oldest and most famous names in the entire musical instrument industry. Together with my partner Bill Speirs, we are excited to take complete control of the Premier brand and to continue working with the existing Premier management team as we build the business still further.\"
PMIL will build upon the recovery worldwide of the Premier brand in recent years with an increased emphasis on products and marketing. PMIL will accelerate all of Premier’s new product development and launch programs and continue to expand its Asian manufacturing resources. Premier is committed to offering a range of products for both the professional and student percussionist.
The PMIL management team includes all members of the existing Premier management.
PMIL expects to announce new arrangements in respect of the distribution of its products in the USA and is engaged in advanced discussions.
In related Premier news: Kristopher Sonne, drummer with British singer and songwriter James Morrison, has recently joined Premier’s Artist roster.
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