"Frankie was absolutely the best drummer I have ever played with in my entire life. He was a part of my life for the past 60 years and to lose him now is just devastating. But I did have the opportunity to grow up with one of the best rock and roll drummers in the world and it was truly a gift from God. I was blessed to have known him."
David "Frankie" Toler's health worsened in recent weeks and he arrived at the hospice on Wednesday last week. His wife Marsha Toler remained by his side the entire time. Dan Toler and Chaz Trippy - percussionist for the Gregg Allman Band, who played next to and roomed with Frankie from 1982 to '89 - were also present when he passed.
The drummer is survived by his wife and their daughter, Aja Kayle.
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