\"The first time I picked up the drum sticks after my neck surgery, they flew across the room because I couldn’t grip them.
When I play, I’ve had to tape the sticks to my hand. It’s like wearing a condom. It’s very strange. It really cramps your style.\"
Ad it\'s not just drumming that has become difficult for Phil. To Rolling Stone magazine the 59-year-old musician reveals:
\"I can’t let go of the spoon or the knife when I eat. I can’t open a car door. I won’t get gruesome with you, but there’s a lot of things I can’t do.\"
The left-handed drummer is having an operation soon and he thinks there’s a good chance of it improving over time.
Phil Collins was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame with his former Genesis bandmates in March of this year. He had to stop playing altogether in 2009 because of pain to his spinal cord.
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