\"I am saddened to announce that my friend and band-mate, Suds, is no longer of this mortal realm. I knew Suds for the last 8 years, during which we played together in Atomizer. An amazing and gifted drummer, he believed so intensely in whatever he did and gave it his all… whether that be to his benefit or his peril. Suds was never one to follow the crowd, and his playing style and attitude to life was testament to that. He reminded me of Animal from the Muppets in so many ways, and if there was a human incarnation of that being, it was Suds. (...) When the reaper came, your bags were already packed. I hope you find in death what you could not in life. Rest in peace my friend… you may be gone but you will never be forgotten!\"
Both musicians had planned to reconvene in April 2007 to work on some more Atomizer material.
Aaren Suttil previously played in several other bands including Dreadnaught, Superheist and RIP Rides.
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