\"No. It\'s really funny \'cos everyone always compares us to Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath and all the \'70s bands but when we met we were into Beastie Boys and Beck. None of us really had one instrument we could play so we\'d just swap around and have these really crazy funk jams. We\'ve got all these computer hard drives full of these weird funk, electro things. But when we went to play live we thought we\'ll play rock because it\'s exciting and powerful.\"
Some famous rock groups, including the Rolling Stones, have named Wolfmother a band to watch. Heskett explains how they try to live up to these expectations:
\"I guess it puts tension on you. I mean, it\'s fantastic because for an Australian band to be getting that kind of attention, it\'s exactly what you want, but, yeah, I do think you feel like you\'re being watched. You have to come up with the goods, but it\'s a good challenge to have.\"
Read the entire interview at Popworld.com.
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