\"You can\'t really control when the ideas come. I always have a dictaphone handy, and [singer] Brent [Hines] and [guitarist] Bill [Kelliher] bring acoustic guitars everywhere, and if they come up with something messing around, we\'ll record it. We always keep our minds open. (...) We want the whole thing to flow together as one big piece of music, where the end of one song links up with the beginning of the next one. We want the whole experience to be like movements in a symphony.\"
By the time Mastodon started rehearsals in October, they had around ten songs to evaluate and explore.
While it\'s too early to know exactly what the band\'s next album will sound like, Bränn Dailor says it will likely be more progressive and thrashier. Explains the drummer:
\"We\'ve been listening to a lot of newer King Crimson and getting off on that. But also, we toured with Slayer and listened to them every night for three months, and that\'s gotta have some sort of effect.\"
Mastodon are planning on entering the studio in February with longtime producer Matt Bayles and record for a month.
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