"To everyone who wrote and cared for my brother Paul:
Thank you for all of your kind words about him; our family appreciated it very much. He truly was an unusual person in the sense that he naturally made everyone around him feel better. He had the unique ability to let negativity roll off of his back and consistently stay positive. He never complained and only seemed to worry about how other people were affected; he was so appreciative of all the people who took care of him, thanking them over and over.
Of course, anyone who ever played with him knows that he automatically made everyone around him sound better. I can't explain what an incredible hole is left behind within us all, it's incredibly painful and unfair but it is out of our control. All I can say is what a privilege it was to have had a brother like him.
We were able to spend lots of time hanging out, playing tons of gigs, and finally creating our CD which gave us both so much pleasure. A special thanks goes out to Toni, Paul's wife, who cared for him 24/7 which prompted him to often ask himself how other people could do this if they didn't have that.
Again to everyone for caring!
Marc van Wageningen"
Rahsaan's Run by Woody Shaw
University of Mary Jazz Festival - Clinicians Concert 2008
John Worley Jr. - Trumpet/Flugelhorn
Jim Mair - Tenor Saxophone
David Matthews - Piano
Marc Van Wageningen - Bass
Paul Van Wageningen - Drums
Scott Prebys - Congas/Percussion
Paul van Wageningen (drums) & Michael Spiro (congas)
Live at Anna's Jazz Island Oct 2008 w/ Phill Hawkins Group
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