\"Make a recording of yourself playing \"Flies\" along to a metronome. Please do not send in your personal interpretations, the band simply wants to hear whether or not you can play hit for hit what is heard on the CD. The band is only interested in talking to people who can follow the directions given.\"
Once you\'ve made this recording, you can contact The Black Dahlia Murder through their MySpace page or by sending them an e-mail.
Meanwhile fired sticksman Zach Gibson has posted the following bittered message on his MySpace page:
\"I was asked to leave the band after our last show on the BTBAM/Cephalic Carnage/Into The Moat tour 10/28/05 in Detroit, Michigan, our home... I was quitting anyways and they knew it, they just wanted to save face and beat me to the punch.I\'m gonna sound like a total asshole, but anyone that knows me knows that this is the truth and I\'m very very far from being a dick head (...) And for everyone that thinks or have said to me \"man, being in bdm must be great....blah blah blah\" it wasn\'t, I made barely any money and lived like a fucking bum for over a year. I\'ll be much happier in a band that goes no where making no money than a band that is very well known and not getting shit. I\'ve had some of the best times in my life since I was in BDM, but for every great time there has been a totally shitty time that made me wanna quit my life because of [guitarist] Brian [Eschbach]. I have nothing good to say about Brian, and many of you who read this probably think I\'m just sore about being kicked out, but I\'m really not, I just want everyone to know the truth so another kid doesn\'t go and make the mistake I made.\"
Session drummer Tony Laureano (photo) will be joining The Black Dahlia Murder on their upcoming tour dates in Korea and Japan. The Black Dahlia Murder will be embarking on a European tour starting on January 20 in Essen, Germany.
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