Afro for l
Based on the traditional folkoric rhythm of the Bembe. The left foot plays a 6/8 short bell pattern which is basis for this movement.
2nd Movement: Bique with feet.
This movement utilizes a more contemporary Mozambique rhythm. As in the 1st movement, the left foot plays this rhythm on the cow bell. A modern fusion vibe is utilized as to contrast with the more traditional characteristics of Afro 6/8
Connecticut - Half-time
This is a great example of the evolution of the drums and the artistry involved in playing this amazing instrument. The piece was originally written for snare drum in the nineteenth century. This was a time when the concept of playing a drum with your feet had not even been conceived. I have recorded this piece so that we can appreciate how far the instrument has come (not to mention the work out that your legs get).
Primal Instinct
The piece is based around three bass drum ostinato's which are used to lead from one section to the next. As the names of the sections indicate, the ostinato's as words or phases become more developed. The melodies of each section also develop, with the first using a three note melody, the second using a four note melody and the third using a nine note melody. The final section is simply a testament of the previous bass drum themes and is used to indicate a move back in time to the most primal of all the sections, uggh.
Section 1 - uggh
Section 2 - grunt
Section 3 - me drum
Section 4 - going back to uggh
This piece is based on the heart beat and adrenaline rush of a Cheetah in the wild. The hunt and kill is the stalking and then attack on the predators game. The celebration is the evening festivities, or party if you will. Like any party it comes to a peak before its end. Contemplation is the next day of lazing and reflection. The cycle continues.... Takes us back to the hunt and kill theme to show the Cheetah once again preparing for another kill. This piece utilizes a rhythmic cannon between the feet. The right foot plays the right remote hihat, woodblock and tambourine, while the left foot plays the left remote hihat, cowbell and rototam.
Part 1 - The hunt and kill
Part 2 - The celebration
Part 3 - Contemplation
Part 4 - The cycle continues.......
Definitely not a Ballad
This is definitely not a ballad, I have used this piece as a free form of expression on the kit. The only real form of structure is at the end where the feet play a ten stroke roll on the kick drums and the hands improvise over this.
Big Pants
Inspired by a performance by Sydney based contemporary pianist Michael Kieran Harvey, the piece deals with moving one bar ostinatos. The right foot plays between the right kick drum, woodblock and tambourine while the left foot plays between the left foot remote hihat and cow bell. After the initial melodies are started the left hand then joins inn with an ostinato between the tambourine two timbales and the splash tom. This allows the right hand to improvise while the other limbs hold down the accompaniment.
1 - Prelude
2 - Big Pants
The Three Camps
The first rudimental piece I performed on the bass drums.
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