"I set out to make a record that shows my musical diversity and how I hear things. Basically the Album is an introduction to me as an artist. As a session musician for most of my career, I have always been interested in different musical styles and what makes them unique and authentic. I am influenced and inspired by life, my family or sometimes just driving in the car which is where the idea for the opening song "Car Vibe" came from. I feel like its time for me to begin a dialogue with people through music and start that worldwide conversation .
I cut the majority of this album at my studio "3 Pillars Studios" in Southern California. A lot of the recording process has been affected by technology. File sharing and remote collaboration is making its way into the creative process more and more on many levels. I did overdubs at other studios like Can-Am, the famous "Death Row" studio featured in the movie Straight Outta Compton, although its definitely not that place obviously anymore. I wanted to make sure the parts were authentic so All Horns and Strings are 100% Real and played by real people. I played the drums and just about all of the Percussion and some keys on the album as well. Producing and putting all the pieces together is also a fun part of my creative process. I love having the vision for a song and hearing it come to life."
~ Trevor
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