The founder of the company, Engineer Werner Pinternagel, was born in 1913 in the Thuringian town of Jena. He studied in Jena and was asked by colleagues of his professors to join the OKH in Berlin as designing engineer. It had been here that he developed remotely controlled tanks and sea crafts, which he was awarded for. After being a prisoner of war, Werner Pinternagel returned to Germany at the age of 33 and began to work for a handicraft workshop in Landau/Bavaria repairing damaged radio receivers. At the same time, he wrote technical and construction manuals for his own designs of technical testing equipment.
The first two syllables “dyna” of the brand name Dynacord were meant as a synonym for the dynamic commitment of the company founder, Engineer Werner Pinternagel, and his employees. The third syllable “cord” stands for the link between products manufactured by Dynacord to music itself and to the amateurs and professionals making music.
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