Samuel de Broize-Ward founded the company in early 2016 following the passing of his late grandfather, Ken de Broize (1936-2016): an inspiring character and wood working enthusiast. In memory of his passing, Samuel decided to build his first truly custom stave snare drum; using his grandfathers tools and parts from his family home.​​​
This only resulted in a new addiction and drive to hone a new craft, further taking floorboards and old beams of wood, new construction methods and skills were developed. This sparked the reclamation of many items to build out of: from 60's Mahogany school tables, 70's Beech cabinets, early 1900's Oak furniture and Sapele bar tops. Saving items from being scrapped and given them a new lease of life ultimately resulting in a truly unique instrument.​
The UK produces around 4 million tonnes of timber waste a year, with roughly half of this being recycled. With a focus on sustainability and recycling, this project is a green initiative by using and making the most out of reclaimed and repurposed materials.