"I must have gone in too steeply because I felt this almighty crunch in my neck and realized I'd banged my head. From that moment my life changed. I tried to swim to the surface but couldn't move. I felt myself sinking. I was in limbo but I stayed composed because I knew there were people around the pool."Neil then underwent a seven-hour operation and surgeons inserted a two-inch metal plate into his neck. He has been left with a 5-inch scar on the right side of his throat. Primrose continues:
"My drumming is good again, but perhaps not quite as fast. And I haven't really slept properly since it happened because of the pain. I was fit before the accident and that has helped my recovery. I haven't got full movement in my neck and I have to be careful with quick movements. It's a surreal thing to have happened to the band but it's made us stronger."
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