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My Name is Andrew McEnaney. I started playing drums when I was in grade 7 but didn't really start taking it seriously until grade 11. I started lessons with this sick jazz/world drummer named Jamie Persaud and another amazing drummer named Craig Warner.
Both guys opened a lot of doors for me in other styles of music and showed me dudes like Carter Beauford, Tony Williams, Billy Cobham, and Dennis Chambers. I listened to funk, rock and jazz for the first few years until I met people in high school who were into heavier bands that I could relate with because of their use of other styles within a heavier more technical environment (Dillinger, Meshuggah, Cynic, Tool, etc). I performed drum solos all throughout high school but never played in any serious band until I graduated. One band lead to another which was the beginning of the line up for what would become "Structures".
After I joined, we made a guitarist switch and thats when my playing started to develop itself into something more reflective of my personality. We wrote our EP "All of the Above" within about 4 months and I recorded it when I was 19.
I am currently 20 years old and have toured Canada and the United States with Periphery, Misery Signals, Architects, The Holly Springs Disaster, Within the Ruins, and next month Arsonists get all the Girls and Ion Dissonance, who are another two of my favorite bands. I hope to continue touring/writing with my band and to expand my knowledge as a drummer and musician. Traveling the other side of the world one day would be a huge accomplishment so that is one of my main goals right now.
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