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"My dad used to play the accordion and my mom used to sing when I was a kid. So we always had music in the house when I was growing up. I got my first Instruments (a small toy drum kit, a guitar and a small toy piano) in the age of 3 as Christmas presents. KISS was the band that really got me into music back in ‘77. I remember hanging out at my friend Harris place. He had a big brother who was in to heavy metal. And we went through his record collection and picked up a Kiss record called Destroyer. We thought that the cover looked really damn cool (the band standing on top of a mountain with the make-ups and all) so we got hooked in to that. We even played a KISS playback show (playing to a cassette) with Harri in the kinder garden, with the make-ups on. I remember me being Gene Simmons and Harri Paul Stanley. That made me realize that I wanted to be a musician."About his wish to pay the drums, Karppinen continues:
"My dad used to play the accordion in a band (around’77). And I always went with him to the rehearsals. I really loved the sound of the drums and got interested in the instrument. I remember asking the drummer (during their cigarette break) if he would let me play his drum kit. And he was kind enough to let me do that. So during the next practice I was counting seconds and waiting for the break. He later on became my first drum teacher."Apart from HIM Mika also has two other bands. bands. The first is names Bendover. The music is something close to Motorhead, “Wolverine blues” era Entombed and Pro-Pain. Mika:
"So it’s really heavy shit we are talking about. And if the music is heavy, so are the guys. There is a weight limit of 100 kg in the band." The other band is a hardcore punk band called Ääritila. Mika formed that one with two of his old friends from his hometown Eskilstuna. The singer Lazze (Lateri) is a true legend in the punk scene worldwide. He is the singer of Riistetyt. Mika:"It’s an honor to have him with us. Because I’ve been listening to that band ever since I was a kid (early 80’s). I even remember having pictures and posters of them hanging on my wall. It’s amazing to share a band with this guy. I would’ve never imagined this back then. So far we’ve recorded an EP 7”"
An Independent drummer . Endorsed by Ludwig, Paiste, Vic Firth and Aquarian
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