Jimmy Pagano 01/04/57 - 04/17/11
Where does one even begin when trying to describe Jimmy Pagano and his role in the South Florida Music Community? A a senseless tragedy ended his life too soon on Sunday morning, April 17th, 2011, Palm Sunday. A heated bar brawl over a tab has taken the life of one of our own, stunning the entire South Florida music community. The newspaper referred to Jimmy as a "local drummer," but we all know he was more than that. Much more than that. He was a relentless promoter, a top-notch sound man, an entertainment director, a special events coordinator. He wasn't just running "a weekly jam" at Fishtales, he's been running jam nights for over 30 years, sometimes 3 or 4 per week, to give musicians an opportunity to play, to network, to rehearse, or just to have fun. He was a man with a huge heart who never hesitated to organize a benefit when a fellow musician was in need. He was a man who poured his heart and soul into helping others without expecting anything in return. He was a man with big dreams whose optomism was contagious. He was a man who tried to teach us all to brush off negativity and instead, start every single day with a positive thought. If you are one of the thousands of people he helped or inspired, then you know. We all must come together to honor Jimmy's legacy and be kind to one another. Stop and smell the roses, friends. Please share your thoughts, stories & photos here, in Jimmy's honor. Rest in peace, dear Jimmy Pagano. We love you and we will never forget you.
www.jimmypagano.com www.facebook.com/JimmyPaganoTribute© Drummerszone.com 2002-2025 Drummerszone.com is a Musicpublishers.nl website.
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