"I guess I was around six years old when my parents took me to a wedding where this band was playing. I can’t remember a thing about the band but what I clearly recall is the drummers drum kit. It was a three piece – bass drum , snare and one mounted tom, hi hats and one cymbal. Strangely enough it was the cymbal that turned me onto the drums. At that time I didn’t even know it was called a cymbal, but realised one thing for sure, I was totally mesmerised by the sound of this strange object. Bssssh … I can still hear the sound in my head and reckon it was probably an old 20" crash/ride or similar. From that day onward I was hooked. As a result, my parents bought me a toy drum which I banged the hell out until it didn’t resemble a drum anymore. Little did I know that this was the beginning of many hours of practise which I would eventually put in over the coming years."His early drumming influences started with drummers such as Carl Palmer, Bill Bruford, Charlie Watts, Billy Cobham, Clive Bunker, and South African drummers such as session master Tony Moore, Mike Gray (ex Duncan Mackay - 10CC) and Derek 'Bokkie' de Beer of Johnny Clegg fame. As Georg started to do more recording sessions, session players like Steve Gadd, Jeff Porcaro and J.R. Robinson played an important part in creating more awareness of how important versatility can be in a drummers arsenal of playing styles. It is due to this that he was able to do such varied work from cabaret to military to rock to country to ?...
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