Eric Theodore Cartman, voiced by Trey Parker, one of the (four then five) central characters of South Park (Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Butters). He is arguably the most popular and well-known South Park character, and has become an international celebrity.
Eric Cartman appears to be very musically talented. He plays the piano quite well in the episode "Christian Rock Hard" (although the piano plays by itself whilst he is singing), the violin in Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes, the French horn in Summer Sucks, the harmonica in Jakovasaurs, the recorder in World Wide Recorder Concert, the acoustic guitar in Chinpokomon, pan flute in World Wide Recorder Concert, and the drums in The Red Badge of Gayness.
Quotes from this episode featuring Cartman on snare drum:
Stan: Ready? 1, 2, 3, 4!
(Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny start playing the flutes and drum as they march. Cartman starts beating the drum.)
Cartman: Yeah! Do you like to rock?! I like to rock! Hello, Baltimore!
Kyle: Cartman, what the hell are you doing?!
Cartman: I'm playing the drum!(He continues to beat the drum.)
Kyle: You're not supposed to beat the drum, you hit it!
Cartman: You don't hit a drum! You gotta beat the (bleep) out of it! (He starts to beat the drum again.) Shut your pie-hole! I'll kick your ass, you (bleep) drum!
Eric Cartman's Christian rock group Faith + 1 sold 1,000,000 copies of its album in the episode Christian Rock Hard, although it did not feature Cartman but Leopold "Butters" Stotch behind the drum kit.