"Well the drum kit I have is an OCDP wine reddish stain (sizes are as followed, 20x22, 12x8, 14x14 and 16x16) and I also use a DW natural snare drum (14x6). Cymbals I use Sabian (14inch HH Regular hi hats, 19 AAX metal crash, 20 AA Rock medium crash, 21inch AA Rock ride (all cymbals regular finish), heads I use Remo (Emperor on the tops and Ambassadors on the bottom for the toms, snare Pinstripe on the top, Ambassadors on the bottom, and bass drums is a clear Powerstroke 3 on impact side, and coated Emperor on the resonating side (with dual holz), and sticks change all the time, either Zidjian 5B or Vater 1A.Last but not least a trival but funny fact: Chris's dad tried out for Black Sabbath on drums.
"I'm an introvert and just kind of keep to myself unless I know the people I'm hanging with. I am a weird person to be around with in a social environment. I usually get uncomfortable if I'm by my self or people I don't know well. I think everyone is looking and laughing. Sorry, I'm weird!"
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