Ben Ngabo is a singer, composer, percussion-player, traditional dancer, guitar-player. Bom in Rwanda in 1963 and grew up in a tradifionnal musical family. Benefits at a very young age of the tradifionalcultural & artistic heritage from his country. At the age of 10 he already conducts a pastoral chorus & other groups.
At the end of the eighties he is integrated in the National Ballet of Rwanda "URUKEREREZA" where he plays the percussion. He also collaborates with the Orchestra NYAMPINGA, the Orchestra Orchestra INGELI, Bissa, Memphis Slim, Talk Kibwe Oddessay.
In 1992 he leaves his country due to the political events and remains in Brussels (Belgium). Once in Belgium he immediately worked with Philippe Catherine, Vaya Con Dios, Coco Malabar, Mo' Roots, Ishyaka, Cecile Kayirebwa, Iganzo & Chris joris. Leader of Mwanganza, jambo Africa, he now has a lot of succes with his BEN NGABO GROUPE (fusion jazz & tradifional Rwanda). Ngabo joined the Chris Joris Experience for the jazz Middelheim 1997 event & remained a member of this band.