Arabhram Orellanes is best known as Araabmuzik, a hip-hop producer who’s worked with Busta Rhymes, 50 Cent and others.
Araabmuzik is also one of the most visible practitioners of live Akai MPC (which stands for music production center - originally MIDI production center) playing. He likes to pound out live drumbeats on Akai MPC 2500s with his fingertips, sometimes playing them with force like drums, sometimes playing them like a piano, with dignity.
The MPC is a combination drum machine and sampler that allows users to upload a variety of sounds and manipulate them as a percussionist would.
An endlessly variable drum machine, it’s been an essential tool for producers, integral to hip-hop’s sonic development. It’s been used, less prominently, as a live tool too. But in the last few years, thanks to musicians like Araabmuzik, it has become a stand-alone object of fascination.