The exercises focus on being aware of the transitions you make as a drummer. For instance, transitions between chorus and verses, verses to bridges; all the fills and changes drummers make when playing songs.
The Simon Phillips Warm-ups - Part II
Simon Phillips plays several rudiments on the snare. A few quick lessons on how to create your own variations with these basic rudiments:
Simon also plays around with triples. Notice how one hand plays three, quite a bit over the other three in triplet ways.
Next, he demos how he studies and does warm-ups with Paradiddles: from single, double to triplet paradiddles. You get them all in Simon's personal variations.
The Simon Phillips Warm-ups - Part III
This video takes all the exercises from the first two videos a few steps further. It is about what you can do with the rudimental exercises learned in video I and II.
Simon Phillips demonstrates this with the example of playing the three paradiddles in 9/4. You play the single, double and triple paradiddle in two against three when you subdivide the 9/4 that makes into 6. Simon even demonstrates this on the drums.
Have fun with this -Snare Intermission- during Simon Phillips' clinic. Soon we will publish some songs and several videos of his drum solos during the evening.
Simon Phillips' endorsements
Tama drums
Zildjian Cymbals
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