"It's hitting me, the frightening ordeal my fiancée Billie Rainbird went through/what she very narrowly escaped running fr our home w our beloved dog Bear fr the Thomas fire in Ojai Monday night. Sadly, it's true we've lost everything on our property..."
Simon regrets to inform everyone that his current U.S. tour dates have been cancelled. Simon's home was destroyed by fires that have been raging in SoCal. He was NOT home and was not injured. Thanks to everyone for their concerns. New dates will be posted when available.
— Simon Phillips (@kingcannonsimon) December 6, 2017
Just a few hours later I received another devasting phone call that our house, studio and everything had been burned to the ground.
At this juncture, I do not know what insurance will cover and I fear getting our lives back together will take much more than we can imagine.
We are in tremendous shock, going from disbelief to devastation to denial.
We are very grateful for all the support and love we are receiving from around the world. We are truly touched and moved. Thank you.
Any support you can provide to help is deeply and dearly appreciated.
With much love - Simon and Billie
Thank you all for your precious prayers & wishes. For your concern, compassion, reaching out to us asking how to help. We are deeply humbled & truly grateful for your love and support. I cannot thank you enough for being there for us. Luv SP https://t.co/3Hk0HJKwff
— Simon Phillips (@kingcannonsimon) December 8, 2017
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